What do agriculture, health care, education, employment and economic development have in common?
They all need dependable, affordable internet service.
But many Americans don’t have access to high-speed internet, known as broadband. Coverage gaps are most common in rural areas.
That’s why Farm Credit is partnering with the National Association of Counties (NACo) and other groups to spur federal investment in rural broadband.

Courtesy of the National Association of Counties.
Speed test results will help lawmakers know where to invest in rural broadband.
Testing your speed
You can help NACo map broadband speeds in rural areas with its mobile app, TestIT.
Simply download the app for your Apple or Android device. Then use it in rural areas to test internet speeds.
TestIT shows how your results compare to the national average and minimum standards. You can also compare speeds over a cellular connection vs. Wi-Fi at your home or business.
Identifying the need
NACo will compare test results with the National Broadband Map to identify areas where broadband is underfunded. This will help lawmakers and agencies understand where investment is needed most.
To download the app, look for TestIT in Apple’s App Store or Google Play. TestIT does not collect your personal information. It only gathers enough data to analyze internet access.
Give TestIT a try, and spread the word about the project.
— Staff